Contributions to the negotiations on a treaty prohibiting nuclear weapons, leading to their elimination, held March 27-31 at the United Nations in New York City


Short version of the IALANA DISCUSSION PAPER

Withdrawal Clauses in Arms Control Treaties: Some Reflections about a
Future Treaty Prohibiting Nuclear Weapons

Statement by Jackie Cabasso

Statement by John Burroughs

Interactive discussion as part of the conference on March 30

The World Court Project’s History, Advisory Opinion, UN Documents, Court Cases

return to the icj bookletGood Faith Negotiations Leading to the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons: Request for an Advisory Opinion from the International Court of Justice, International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms, International Human Rights Clinic at Harvard Law School, May 2009. (Download PDF)

Press release

Groups Seek World Court Opinion on Nukes, Thalif Deen, IPS, May 11, 2009 (read more on

Resolution of IALANA General Assembly, June 2009 (Download PDF)

Withdrawal Clauses in Arms Control Treaties: Some Reflections about a Future Treaty Prohibiting Nuclear Weapons

This paper aims at summarizing the situation regarding withdrawal clauses included in arms control treaties and, as a result, stimulate the negotiations towards a treaty prohibiting nuclear weapons. It does not take a stance on whether it is appropriate to include or not a withdrawal clause in such a treaty. SLND might come up with a position paper at a later stage.

In part (A), an overview of withdrawal clauses in “traditional” arms control treaties will be given. In part (B), examples of modified withdrawal clauses adapted to the “humanitarian” nature of certain treaties will be discussed. Part (C) will address and compare advantages and drawbacks of withdrawal clause and part (D) will suggest certain aspects that we consider particularly important for the negotiations in view of a new treaty banning nuclear weapons.

Continue reading: Extensive Version
Continue reading: Short Version

The World Court Project’s History, Advisory Opinion, UN Documents, Court Cases

World Court Project HistoryIALANA, in conjunction with the International Peace Bureau (IPB) and the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) led World Court Project, a world-wide campaign that resulted in an historic opinion from the International Court of Justice ICJ) in July 1996. The ICJ ruled that the threat or use of nuclear weapons is generally illegal, and that states have an obligation to conclude negotiations on their elimination… Continue reading “The World Court Project’s History, Advisory Opinion, UN Documents, Court Cases”

IALANA Bids Farewell to Judge Weeramantry

A giant of the law, Christopher Gregory Weeramantry, died peacefully at his home in Sri Lanka on January 5, 2017.

He was everything a lawyer could be: barrister, professor, judge. From 1967 to 1972 he served as a Justice of the Supreme Court of Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) and then as  a judge of the highest tribunal on matters of international law in the world, the International Court of Justice in The Hague, from 1991 to 2000,  the last three of those years as its Vice-President.

From 1972 to 1991 he taught at Monash University, Australia, and he was a frequent lecturer elsewhere, including Harvard and universities in Stellenbosch, Tokyo and Hong Kong.  He was the recipient of numerous prizes and awards. Continue reading “IALANA Bids Farewell to Judge Weeramantry”

In Mourning: Masanori Ikeda (former president of JALANA)

Masanori IkedaMasanori Ikeda, a lawyer who led work of JALANA as secretary general, vice-president, president and a board member, passed away on November 13, 2016, at the age of 88.

The former JALANA president Masanori Ikeda was born in the Korean Peninsula under Japanese rule in 1928, and he graduated from the Faculty of Law, Kyushu University in 1953. He became an attorney at law in 1966, and since then he devoted himself to activities for peace and nuclear disarmament. Throughout Hyakuri Base Trial between Japanese government and residents in Hyakuri, he defended local farmers who refused to yield their own lands to Japan Air Self-Defense Force (SDF), maintaining that the SDF was contrary to Article 9 of Japanese Constitution. Continue reading “In Mourning: Masanori Ikeda (former president of JALANA)”

Documentary “Good Thinking”

“Good Thinking” is a documentary on those who tried to push back on nuclear weapons, four plus years in the making. Imperfect, and perhaps nothing new, and a thousand more stories to be told, but for the general public it may be another tool that helps to introduce the concern, to widen the perspective, deepen the knowledge base and history, and encourage us all forward.
Please watch and share and check out the offical website: